
BEcoming YOU

A beautiful 6 Step Transformational Journey

Unearth What Really Matters To You



A powerful, new, and unique system to help you move from Uncertainty & Self Doubt to a space of Inspired Clarity & Inner strength leading to Abundant Growth & Joy in Life, Career & Business

Ā Make the next chapter of your life the most inspired yet!

YES I'm Ready

BEcoming YOU

A beautiful 6 Step Transformational Journey

Unearth What Really Matters To You


A powerful, new and unique system to help you move from Uncertainty & Self Doubt to a space of Inspired Clarity & Inner strength leading to Abundant Growth & Joy in Life, Career & Business

Ā Make the next chapter of your life the most inspired yet!

YES I'm Ready

Hello I'm Chris Ross,

I designedĀ BEcoming YOU -

This powerful, yet simple journey was born from personal adversity.

BEcoming YOU isn't just another self-help course; it's the key to unlocking your potential for success in every aspect of your life. Whether it's your career, relationships, or personal well-being, thisĀ journey equips you with the tools and insights to navigate life with ease and flow.Ā 

We offer a few ways to find this freedom in your life:-

1- A self paced online version designed for those who like to work at their own speed,Ā  a pre-recorded simple, yet powerful 6 module program with support from me via comments online.

2- A live version run via Zoom over 8 weeks with a select group where we dive deep into each module. The support and encouragement is next level and theĀ  testimonials are proof.

3- A Personal 1-1 Coaching through the 6 steps.Ā This intermit journey is designed specifically with you and for you. The results are life changing.

Join us on this journey and start rewriting your story today.Ā Isn't it time you started to live life in flow and with easy?

That's exactly what you'llĀ experience as you step intoĀ the journey ofĀ  BEcoming YOU.


Live 8-Week Journey

(Begins early July 2024)



(Free Consultation)


Most people think that itā€™s too late for them to make a change in life!

Itā€™s so easy to fall into that trap,

that old belief that you're not worthyĀ or "too old" and you are certainly not alone!

Does this sound familiar:

1-Are you among the countless, gorgeous people who have suspended their deepest desires to put otherā€™s needs before their own? I know I didĀ šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€

2-You often forget about your own well-being leaving you mentally and emotionally exhausted at the end of the day? Tiring, right!Ā šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€

3-You sense thereā€™s something ā€œmissingā€ in your Life, Career or Business, a gap between where you are and where you'd hoped to be? I know this feeling!Ā šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€

4-Youā€™ve experienced a life-changing event in your life that has left you questioning-What is it all about?Ā Oh I so know this feeling too!

5-You've been feeling overwhelmed by life, anxious, disconnected, invisible, pretending to others that life is good when you just want to run away?Ā It's Ok beautiful, your not alone.

Does any of that resonate with you? It certainly did for me.

Click Here to begin your emotional wellbeing journey

But hereā€™s the big problem I found:

How do you know where to find help?

Who do you trust to support you on this journey?

And what do you do when that inner voice tells you

ā€œItā€™ll never work for youā€

ā€œYou havenā€™t got time to look after yourselfā€,

ā€œYou canā€™t afford itā€,

ā€œYouā€™ve tried these courses beforeā€ on and on it goes, right?

I hear you and I understand you because Iā€™ve been there too.

Thatā€™s why IĀ designedĀ BEcomingYOU, to support people just like us to move out of this space of uncertainty and self doubt to aĀ place of Inspired Clarity and Inner Strength.

It changed my life and countless other lives too.

I have over 27 years of business experience, I've been guidingĀ other's to find their passions, come back from the dark side, and I've learnt a thing or two, right, justĀ  like you, and I am passionate about sharing itĀ to help everyone make the next chapter in their life the best ever.Ā 

It's Never Too Late!


Do You know the 80/20 Rule?

Ā Ā TheĀ Pareto principleĀ states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the "vital few").

In life this rule is often used to explain that 80% of humans understand that they have a problem/challenge but only 20% will ever take theĀ  steps to make a courageous decision, expand their comfort zone and take actionable stepsĀ  toward a desired dream!Ā 
20%! So you are in the top projectile beautiful one!šŸŽ‰

We all deserve to live a fulfilling life aligned with what really matters to YOU!

WHY? BecauseĀ the stronger we are Emontionally, the better we are in Life, Career and Business! Absolutely no doubt at all!

Following what really matters to YOU with Clarity & Confidence will bring abundant Growth, Joy and endless possibilities, and myself and countless others are testament to that!

So what is itĀ costing you to keep living an unauthentic life, suppressing who you really are?

What would the impact be of another 12 months stuck in the same repeat episodesĀ for you, your wealth, your health, your happiness, your family?

Be honest with yourself! What is it costing you to NOT live your life aligned with what really matters to you?

Be in the Top 20% Click Here

Well here it is,Ā a powerful, new, unique system designed to help YOU move from uncertainty & self doubt to aĀ  space of Inspired Clarity and Inner Strength!

Why am I so passionate about helping other?

Well, I know what it feels like to lose everything and start again! To nurse elderly parents through the end stages of life.Ā  Ā To raise a family.Ā  Ā Manage threeĀ successfulĀ businesses.Ā  Ā 

And then, one ordinary day, to have my life pivoted 180 degrees by one phone call.

Ā I'll be honest, I slipped into a very dark place for many years after this life changing event, and it left me wondering WHY and feeling completely lost.

You know, we are all going to experience challenges in our lives, guaranteed, we loose ourselves, we forget what we really love in life and why, have you felt that?

I definitely have, and it was during my own challenging time that I realised that I didn't really know "me" anymore. I had lost my own mojo so to speak.

What really mattered to Chris? What did I like to do that brought me Joy? I honestly didn't know anymore.

I realised I needed to re-discover myself. Find out what I deeply desired for my life.Ā  I wanted to be completely, honestly me, I wanted to unearth my own Joy and start living life again aligned with what really mattered to me!

More certainty, less self doubt , confident that my past did not define me, it actually made me the gorgeous, courageous women I am today with all my lumps and bumps, and when I realised that, I started to move from a place of uncertainty and so many self doubts to a place of Hope, Joy and Possibility. It's true!

I wrote down the steps I had learnt and realised that this journey could help so many others. IĀ called it BEcomingYOU, because you can't be anyone else right,Ā  so we might as well rediscover our true, beautiful selves.

BEcomingYOU is a transformational 6 step program to helpĀ anyone going through challenging times, or just feeling a little lost in the world, to move from uncertainty and self-doubt to finding their inspired clarity and inner strength that is always there just waiting for you to reconnect with yourself!

BEcomingYOUĀ Ā will help make the next chapter of your life- extra-ordinary!

Don't just take my word for it, read the testimonials.


BE Come YOU-Make the next chapter extra-ordinary

Wouldnā€™t it be amazing to learn how to stop self-sabotaging yourself?

You know precisely what I am talking about. that inner voice of -

"I'll be happy when....

"I'm not good enough for....

How do you live life with less anxiety, stress, and confusion?

By knowing what really matters to YOU and learning to live life by your unique VALUES

WHYĀ live your life aligned with what really matters to you?

There is great power in knowing what really matters to YOU! You gain a sense of purpose, inspired clarity andĀ inner strength, leading to abundant JOY & GROWTH in your Life, Career and Business and isnā€™t that what we all want?

šŸŽ Bonuses on the live journey..

1x 1:1 30 min Coaching Sessions with Chris for all programs, at a time that suits you

2x Bonus support modules on the LIVE version of the journey to ensure you reach your Goals



ā€¢ Confidence in Decision-Making: Feel empowered and confident in your decisions, leading to greater success and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

ā€¢ Accessing Inner Wisdom: Tap into your intuitive, wise self for guidance and support, enabling you to navigate challenges with grace and resilience, and make choices that align with your highest good.

ā€¢ Receiving Abundance: Open your heart to receive all the abundance and opportunities that the universe has to offer, leading to a life of prosperity, and fulfillment.

ā€¢ Living by Choice, Not Chance: Take control of your destiny and live life by choice, not by chance, as you consciously create the life you desire and deserve.

ā€¢ Establishing Clear Boundaries: Set clear boundaries that are respected by others, allowing you to protect your energy, maintain healthy relationships, and prioritize your well-being.

ā€¢ Aligned Standards and Expectations: Establish standards and expectations that are aligned with your values and goals, supporting you on your journey to personal and professional success.

ā€¢ Knowing Your Path with Certainty: Gain clarity on your life's direction and purpose, empowering you to confidently pursue your goals and aspirations with clarity and conviction.

ā€¢ Rediscovering Hope, Joy, and Love: Above all, rediscover a sense of hope, joy, and love in your life as you embrace your authentic self and live a life filled with purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

So what's the investment?

To be honest, I have so underpriced this journey itā€™s a bit embarrassing, but you know what... I donā€™t care, I just want to be able to share this life-changing journey withĀ as many people as I can reach.

Iā€™ve been told by the ā€œexpertsā€ to sell it for $1200 or more...

But Iā€™m going to offer it to you for way less than this because I dearly want you to join this journey!

So hereā€™s the deal for all those looking to Rise into their Courage & Greatnessā€¦ā€¦

BEcoming YOU - live journey

$Ģ¶3Ģ¶9Ģ¶7Ģ¶ $197

(Most Popular)

Start Your Emotional Well-being Journey HERE

Iā€™ll even offer you aĀ 14-day No Risk, No Buyerā€™s
Remorse Money Back

No questions asked!

Itā€™s really important to me that you are happy with this investment- so thatā€™s why I have a 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

You can experience the first 2 modules of the journey knowing that if you really hate it or donā€™t see the value, you can get 100% of your money back, no questions asked.

Of course I think youā€™ll love it as much as I do, but I want you to buy it knowing Iā€™ve taken away all the risk and I am committed to supporting you to get the most out of this investment in YOU!

If youā€™d prefer to speak with Chris Ross first please make time to chat.
Book a Call Here